Monday 2 May 2011

24 Hours to remember.

Whats up girlfriends, boyfriends, lovers-on-the-side, teammates, canadians, americans, lovers?

I finished typing my blog last night, feeling pretty alright for a Sunday night. Just in the peace and quiet of my own room. I turned on CBC to wind down for the remainder of the night, and, well, I did quite the opposite. I witnessed history, as you did, last night. The manhunt for Osama Bin Laden is over! Amazing when you think back to when the manhunt started. I was in my first month of highschool (yes, I was on time too. I'm not a fucking failure.). It's been a long time hunting around in the deserts for that guy. What the hell will Saturday Night Live use for material next year?
I feel the need to share with you how I felt when I found out about the slaying of Bin Laden. It's a bit embarrassing. I felt kind of sad, at first. Believe it or not. I think my mind traveled to all the brave people that fought out in Afghanistan (and apparently Pakistan, too?), who died, or got their bodies and minds scarred forever to just chase down one tall dude with a beard. War is a pretty stupid thing to get yourself into nowadays. I think it's outdated. Shouldn't happen.
Then, I watched the Obama speech, which was just about as badass as you can get. People have been attacking the President for being a wimp for the last little while, and for not doing much for his country. Doubt they'll do that anymore. Dude meant fucking BUSINESS when he was spittin' that flow. I was proud of him, and a bit inspired by his presence last night. Mr. W. Bush started a big fucking mess, and Barack's gonna clean it up. That's what the mentality was when he was elected, and I think that's what he's gonna do.
THEN I started to get really riled up about the killing. I thought to myself, "Am I really glad that a man got killed?" And you know what? fucking rights, I am. I hope fish are eating that piece of shit's remains at the bottom of an ocean somewhere. I was fucking scared shitless when him and his comrades drove their planes into the World Trade Centre. I was 14 years old, horomonal as fuck, and had no idea what to think. I thought I was going to have to go to war and fight for reasons that I didn't understand. I thought my friends were going to die. I thought relatives were going to die. I thought about having my arms blown off. I thought the whole world was coming to an end. I thought many things, but all of them were thoughts that were based out of spine-tingling adolescent fear. and all this only happened in a neighbouring country. I can't imagine the fear that ran through America's bones that day.
While I don't want people in this world to die, sometimes, when you fuck up badly enough...when you piss enough people off...when you scare the daylights out of enough people...when YOU YOURSELF KILL enough fucking people for no reason other than your own twisted beliefs...then ya. Kick the bucket. Buy the farm. Cash in your chips. Kiss my ass. Die, and die slow, motherfucker.
I also think that my reaction to this is normal, but there's a better way that we can all strive for. I'm human, and my thoughts and feelings are irrational. But we can learn from our mistakes, from others mistakes. From others atrocities. From our own atrocities, as I'm sure (in fact, I KNOW) that the "good guys" in this decade-long war have committing some disgusting acts. Here's a little quote for you, by someone who had it figured out.
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.
He had it right all along.

Election day!!!! Did y'all vote? I hope so. I hope I pressured you and belittled you into feeling like such a piece of shit that you did for once. I hope, if you didn't, you think you're a rebel and that that's cool. I think you're a fucking idiot, and so does everyone else with a brain inside their skull. You're not cool.
I just wanna say one quick thing about the federal election here in Canada today. Yes, the Conservatives won a majority government, which basically means that if they want to pass a bill, they can because they'll have enough votes. I'm sure there are many of you out there are pissed off about this (I am), but I also think that it's important to take a positive out of anything. There's a new official opposition party, the New Democrats! They cleaned up! In the final corner of the race, they really turned it on. And you know what I've been hearing all over the news this evening? Do you know what experts are saying that one of the main reasons that the NDP has shocked the country and done so well? It's because they made their campaign around "change" and "positivity". Maybe we're learning something, Canada! Sure, the Conservatives only got more power tonight. But a change was made. based on positivity. Maybe we're growing more and more tired of hating. Maybe that is soooo 2010, and this decade is different. Here's hoping!

Like a good Canadian boy, I flicked between election results shows (not for American that show still on, even?) and the hockey game. And as entertaining as the news was, the hockey game was no slouch, either! Tonnes of action! Tonnes of monster hits! Pierre Mcguire was jacked the fuck up for this game, boy! Just going bananas and screaming out where players played their junior hockey all over the place!
I think the story of the game is pretty obvious. James van Riemsdyk took the title from Pavel Datsyuk for "Best playoff performance by a forward of 2011". Fucking unbelievable. I couldn't help but laugh at how dominant he was. Me and Pierre both were just losing our shit, me privately and him in front of a bunch of people that hate his fucking guts (I, for one, dig Pierre Mcguire and think he's knowledgeable and entertaining. Annoying sometimes, but hey, he's not perfect.). Shit! they didn't even win! Pretty amazing when you're the story in a losing effort. as a skater. usually only happens with a goalie who's team forgets to play in front of him. I don't think that series is over, yet...
Question, when you think of who the best team is in the playoffs right now, who comes to mind? for me, I can't believe I'm saying this, it's Tampa Bay. Amazing.

Hope you all voted, and I hope you all make sweet sweet love tonight.


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