Monday 9 May 2011



Aren't you glad that's over with? Phew! We don't have to sit through ANOTHER game 7 like we did last series! Man oh man am I ever relieved!
The boys played, as the picture above says, a little "follow the leader" all series, and that "leader" was not in fact a cute little blonde girl in a red dress, but a gritty American fellow that is done turning heads in Vancouver, we come to expect the effort each night, and has moved on to turning heads continent-wide. The legend of Ryan Kesler is growing. And growing. And growing.
My pals and I just laughed everytime he touched the puck. It was comical how he'd just bear down on a pair of Predators defenseman like they were me playing in the bushleagues of Northern Manitoba, only he was too quick to get away before the bushleaguers could retaliate with a golf swing to the ankle or a cross-check to the lower back (where there's no padding) as I would've done.
I've been trying to figure out what kind of drugs Kesler is on since game 7 of the last series against some team that is but a distant memory now. Well, Leyzerites, I know what it is. He's on Human Spirit. Apparently that's all it takes to be great in the world. Just a little belief in yourself, and a little focus, and a little hardwork. He's using every bit of it he has to win every battle and it's gotta be inspiring a few people in the world that are watching the games. I'm sure, all the while, he spends what little time he has off the ice with his wife and kids too. Keep in mind he's only 26 years old.
Guys got his shit together, eh?
Quick shout-out to my girlfriend, Carrie Underwood. You know Big Daddy doesn't like to see you cry like that, Babe. wipe those tears with your yellow towel. Text me later.
The twins are still playing like a "freak on a leash". Glad to see them get on the scoresheet tonight, and you know what? I think that's okay. I'll take a point a game from hereon out. Why the hell not? We can score by committee. and IF...IF San Jose wins, I think it'll benefit us greatly to play a more wide-open game. Then the Sedins and Burrows (where'd he go as this series went along, by the way?) can really shine.
I thought our bottom 6 guys played really well tonight, too. They assumed their role, and with the exception of one shift where they struggled to get it out of our zone, they did what was asked of them.
Thank GOD ALMIGHTY! Mason Raymond scored!!!!! Pretty goal, too. Kesler grinds it out, never gives up, gets it in front to Raymond, with some pretty sick dangles in tight. Gotta love to see the "other guy" on that second line getting a tally tonight.
The boys get a nice long break now. I'm kind of looking forward to it, and I can't see it hurting them one bit. Rest, time with the families, time to prepare for what's ahead. They don't have a tonne of momentum in their favour, so there probably won't be much of a crash from this series. Just a quick break, and business as usual.
Goodnight, All. Enjoy the streets tonight. I won't as I'll be up before 5 in the morning. Enjoy for me.


1 comment:

  1. i officially fell in love with hockey this week. That's it. I'm in. Juts playoffs for now but i know it will only be a matter of time that i am there hollering about the draft, etc. I expect a phonix scene from Burrows when we need him most. He just can't waste his balletic grace until it is really needed. Kesler is a man, not a team. The boys will all bolster each other getting ready to hoist the tin can. I know it.

    thank you for this blog. i love it.
