Tuesday 10 May 2011


Leyzer Nation,

That's right. Anything's possible. If Kid Rock can not only bang Pam Anderson, but marry her, then yes, Anything's possible. Ya, she's got a bad reputation amongst all the celebrity-stalking freaks out there, but fuck it. She's a fox. Still, at like age 60 or however old she is. I'd hit it.
I'm sure the "ugliest man in music history" also believes in his beloved Red Wings, along with his ability to cram pimpage.
HOW IS DETROIT DOING THIS?! No one comes back from 0-3. It never happens! It's supposed to be one of those things that you always remember: where you were, who you were with, who you were screwing at the time, and you just store it up in your memory chamber and only bust it out when you're sitting around with the boys talking about how awesome your life used to be compared to how monotonous, fat and gray it is now. It's supposed to be a sports fans "The day Lennon was shot" or "The day Armstrong landed on the moon" (fuck off, conspiracy theorists, I fucking hate you all. Just believe for once in your life.) day.  Now it's happened thrice in twice years. It's, well, I guess I'll use the word dramatic. It makes for good TV and sports boners worldwide.
The Red Wings just refuse to be called the Dead Things. It's amazing. They get behind in the 3rd period, and it's as if they just decide to relieve their fans of disappointment at the drop of a hat. Boom. Boom. Boom. Game over. The scoring comes from all over the place, but the meat and potatoes of their lineup are just playing like they want the cup as much as Ryan Kesler.
They deserved to win that game from puckdrop, and Niemi deserved a better fate. I just can't see Detroit losing this game 7. Just when you think they're too old, that their young depth guys aren't gonna be the depth guys the Draper's, Maltby's, the McCarty's, they just stay alive, baby. They're a model of consistency and success, and have hoisted the mug more times than a college kid at Oktoberfest after his high-school sweetheart left him for her T.A., but this would be HUGE for that franchise. just fucking HUGE.
On a personal level, I don't care whether Detroit or San Jose wins. Bring that shit ON! I'm confident that this break will do nothing but benefit the Canucks. We'll be as strong as ever. As strong as Thor. As strong as a pissed off kid with down syndrome. As strong as a whiskey shit. As strong as Meryl Streep.
The Canucks are gonna be licking their chops just waiting for their next opponent. They'll be prepared, have had watched a TONNE  of video, practised a TONNE, rested a TONNE, and felt all the love in the city a TONNE. They'll be jacked up. Ready to rock. Baweetabawwwdadangdadangdiggydiggy. Don't think they won't be able to dial up the intensity, come Sunday, it's on.
And if you're wondering how teams can drop out of the playoffs so quickly, you can avoid looking at what's in the players heart and go straight to the medical records. As many as 7 guys on the Flyers need to have surgery this summer. Goes to show how much guys want it. They'll play through broken bones, (almost typed "boners" there, haha), through torn muscles (almost typed "titties" there, haha), and they'll play through their minds and their bodies telling them to stop. The heart is there, or they wouldn't be in the playoffs in the first place.
On a sidenote, it's been asked numerous times if I've found a "playoff girlfriend" yet. Well, we're halfway done the playoffs, and still no bites. But not for lack of effort or anything, I'm sure my fans are out there, finding the best looking broads in Vancouver for me. The effort is appreciated. But, I'm gonna tell you why this mission has been unsuccessful. I went to London Drugs today to get a passport photo done. I look like a wannabe terrorist with this beard. I'm thinking of shaving it (keep in mind, Daniel Sedin and Roberto Luongo have shaved theirs, and Daniel even scored last game, I KNOW I KNOW, hard to believe after my constant Sedin-bitching). But honestly, it looks like a Greek dude glued his pubes to my neck, and a 12 year old adolsecent glued his to my upperlip. I think it's gotta go, it's ruining my work-of-artesque face, and turning it into a kindergarten teachers fingerpainting. I'm doing the world a disservice by having this beard. I hate to be talking about it so much,  but it's what's popping into my mind right now, so  that's what I'm saying.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go scribble "SL + RK = TLF on a piece of paper until there is nothing but ink showing.


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