Sunday 1 May 2011

Sunday Morning Coming Down

"And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad so I had one more for dessert."
It's a line from an old Johnny Cash song, with the same name as the title for today's blog! Excellent song, JC.
Let me first just say that I did not indulge in any alcoholic beverages last night, as I don't do that sort of thing anymore, and haven't for almost half a year (I know. Difficult to believe, right?) But I did get to thinking last night, as most people do, and I thought to myself, "what would this year's playoffs be like if I was still on the bottle?" Flashes came to my imagination very quickly, and let me tell you, those flashes were not pretty like fireworks on English Bay, they were more like flashes of military gunfire. The stress of a long Canucks game is hard enough on my overall psyche: the buildup leading up to it, the game itself, the seemingly infinite breaks in between periods, and the result (especially a loss). I am very thankful to not have a bunch of booze mixed into the picture, as I'm sure there'd be some broken fists, broken walls, missed days of work, banishments from local establishments and questionable people waking up in my apartment to add to the whirlwind my life goes through when my team is in the thick of the playoffs. Similar for you? Probably not. You're not unique and tortured and too passionate and obsessive and special like me. NO ONE CAN RELATE TO ME! YOU DON'T KNOW ME!!!! YOU DON'T KNOW! MY LIFE IS HARDER THAN YOURS! DO YOU KNOW WHAT I'VE SEEN IN MY 25 YEARS?!!?
obvious sarcasm aside, I was feeling pretty down last night after the Canucks loss, and while writing my blog, so I decided to watch a movie at midnight. I chose "Rabbit Hole" starring Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart. It was a lovely experience to go through, I gotta say. I hear Ms. Kidman always getting flack all the time for how "plastic" she looks, well lemme just say something about that. Ya, the woman is almost TOO aesthetically perfect (if that's possible), and I understand that thats threatening to most people. It is to me sometimes, too. Beauty is hard to look at sometimes, when it appears to come without flaws. But maybe that's flawed in itself? maybe her perfect looking face and body is a flaw for her.  I would imagine that it is. It'd be a heavy burden to carry. Physical beauty is a tough thing for the people living inside of it to deal with. Pressure is put on all of us, for our insides to match the picture that we're painted as. And I'm not just backing up Nicole Kidman here or anything, I just find it interesting that people hate on all the "beautiful people" in the world sometimes, because despite the fact that she is breathtaking to look at on a red carpet, her acting (in this movie anyway) was also breathtaking. It was a part of her heart and her soul that I got to see last night, a pretty dark part, and that was more beautiful than any shot of her in a powersuit with her hair in a bun, or her running on a treadmill. Sexy. Sexy soul.
Aaron Eckhart was really strong, too. Damn, was he pissed off in a couple of those scenes!A worthy partner to Nicole Kidman in that movie, and I've never seen him that good in anything. Must've been a real treat to work on that role, and the bastard broke my friggin heart in a couple scenes. Ya Aaron, keep hugging that dog...I'M ALL ALONE HERE WATCHING THIS, YOU KNOW?!
I was amazed after watching the movie just how powerful film can be. or just acting in general. Amazing how a glimpse of art or real humanity can take you from one place to another. Can wake a guy up out of an obsession of Canucks Canucks Canucks, and just sort of make everything a bit clearer. Wasn't the greatest movie of all time or anything, just a really nice change from all the middle aged Canadian ex-hockey players screaming on a TV screen. Good to switch things up.
There were still 2 hockey games today, that I managed to watch in the midst of doing hours and hours of household chores (part hockeynut, part domesticated man).
What up with the Motor City Maniacs? Year in, year out they're the class of the NHL. So what's with all the penalties, and CARELESS penalties too. It just seems strange to me, like maybe they're not the big powerhouse I thought they were. I thought, if anyone's gonna take the west other than the Canucks, it's gotta be the Wings. I'm starting to doubt that now. Undisciplined, unable to beat Anti Niemi, and just not playing very well in this series. Maybe the magical core they have there really is getting too old for this? Idunno.
Nice to see Ian White score today. KABLAMO! he ripped that puck. Good Manitoba Boy, from Steinbach, MB. Did you know, that you can't buy booze in Steinbach? Nope. Ya can't. However, there is, conveniently, a nice little offsale place about a stone's throw from the city limit. I bet they get a lot of business.
And in the East, TAMPA!?!?! Wow....up 2 on the Capitals, and going home to Florida. This muthafucka could be done in 4 here!! Does Budreau get fired if they lose in 4. I think so. I'd fire Nick Backstrom before I did anything. Honestly, even before Kelly Hrudey pointed it out today, I was watching him to see if he looked injured or something, but he doesn't!! He just looks uninterested and lazy. Guess who should've had Lecavalier on the overtime winner? Yup, number 19 Nick Backstrom. gliding into the slot, no effort to pick up his man. I'm pretty sure that boy has a hefty contract too....Yikes. That was a mistake, Mr. George Mcphee. Biggest disappointment in the playoffs so far. Between him and Henrik Sedin. Wonder if one of them will decide that it's on them to put the puck in the net? That's such a joke when he's got guys like Laich, Chimera, and Ovechkin playing their asses off every shift, and he's just loafing it out there. What a bum. I'd never have him on one of my teams.
Is there a more likeable player in the league that Marty St. Louis? I don't think so. I just love the guy. He's smaller than everyone on the ice, but he's tenacious as fuck out there, but he goes about it the right way, and he does it with a touch of class. but not pussyish class, with hockey class. A little fire, but clean all the way. I'll cheer for that little frenchman any day of the week. And that 3rd line too. Best line in the playoffs right now. Unbelievable how that happens almost every year. Random line combinations come out of nowhere to produce points. Bergenheim, Downie and Moore have been just awesome for them. Canucks third line has been good too. San jose's, same thing. Gotta love those "lunchpail" players.
That's all for now. A little early today.
Tomorrow is May 2: what does that mean, people!!???VOTE V-O-T-E. I literally will have no respect for you if you don't vote, tomorrow. Skip work if you have to. If you don't vote, just flat out don't speak til the next election because I won't find anything you say relevant. And if you do work up the gumption to speak to me, always know that a little part of me is laughing my ass off at you for how stupid I think you are. when you are in the middle of telling me about your horrific break up, or your grandmothers long battle with Lupus, part of me will be laughing at you because you could've had a say in health care or tax breaks for commonlaw partners. If you need a shoulder to cry on, go ahead, use mine..if you vote tomorrow. If not, kiss my ass. Idiots.
For those that are voting!!!!, good on ya. especially if you're a first time voter. Way to go, you'll seriously feel good afterwards, even if your vote didn't get into parliament. You'll still feel like you did something. Seriously. Fucking Paris Hilton votes, and she's dump-as-a-stump. You should, too.


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