Monday 18 April 2011

I don't like Mondays...

But not as much as the Coyotes don't like starting hockey games on time!

Happy Day to All,

Leyzer here. Just writing a blog. I zipped home after a hard day's work and a long journey into the inner core of Vancouver to pay for an acting class (will I EVER be as good as Al Pacino?!? Well, probably not. But it's worth a try, right? At least I'm ACTUALLY active in a pursuit of something..HA HA...right!!?? At least I make it SEEM like I'm just a lazy fucker, when really, that's not true...), to come home to a 3-0 Boston lead. This hurt my feelings. While my 25 year old body and soul resides in and cheers for Vancouver, Young Shane will always root for the Habbies. My inner child yearns for the days of Brian Bellows, Kirk Muller, and Saint Patrick. Ed Ronan, Gilbert Dionne, Eric Desjardins, Mattheiu Schneider, and Red Light Racicot. So to come home to that big of an uphill battle for the Habs was disheartening to say the least. Young Shane was in his basement with his still-mustache-havin' Old Man, wishing to Jesus Almighty that he could just yell out "FUCK!" like his Papa. (that was a fabulous day when I actually did yell "SHITTYFUCKINGCUNTASSDOUCHEBAGFUCKERRRRRS! and Papa Leyzer didn't bat an eye)
Lucky for all Leyzer's watching, we got quite a finish to the game! They almost hadder there, didn't they!? I must say that I thought Montreal might come out a bit flat today. They have this little glitch in their system sometimes, where the pressure is just too much for them at home or something. I compare it to the guy on your minor hockey select team that is just a wild fucking animal when he's on the bus or in the hotel rooms with the boys, but as soon as his parents are close, he puts his balls into his little sack and behaves accordingly. I DEFINITELY played hockey with a kid just like this, and the funny thing is, I think he was a Habs fan! haha!
So the habs get wild and crazy and play to their maximum potential (and I DO mean maximum) on the road, and then they come out a bit flat, a bit boring, in the beginning at home.  I liked the second half effort tonight, and the game was a treat to watch. All their offensive threats were getting chances, and for them, it really is about quick, one touch passes and getting it in the Bruins end as swiftly as possible. I'll take a magical Subban rush now and then, though.
I'm a bit exhausted from the amount of times I jumped out of my seat during the second half of the game, and I'm sad because of the loss, so I just wanna make one other point that isn't directly related to the on-ice action at all. Bob Cole's call for that game was a thing of fucking beauty. I was getting emotional watching the game and it was largely in part to his call. Must've been feeling really nostalgic today, but just the energy he was throwing into the action was amazing. He's like your grampa, once he goes senile. In fact, that's EXACTLY what he's like. Some of the time, you sit there and wonder what the fuck he's talking about, but sometimes, you gotta just sit back, listen to the old bugger tell a story, and fucking enjoy it because you know he won't be around forever. Good Stuff, Mr. Cole. Made the defeat a bit easier to swallow.
It was easy for Vancouver "homer" fans to swallow the lack of a suspension for Raffi Torres. Let it be known to the world that I stand by what I said yesterday, including all the nasty things I said about his IQ. Fucking Meatball. Day old Meatball. Sit him OUT. Dress hockey players, not guys out there to be selfish and try to make themselves relevant on their team.
Couple nasty little pieces of business in the Tampa Pittsburgh game, eh? WHATDYA DOIN', KUNITZ! That was the stuff of retards, my man! I don't think Kunitz is known for playing like that (for the record, he threw an elbow in the back of the head of Simon Gagne - who's suffered concussions before - in the slot). I hope he gets suspended, and I think he will, cuz that's a suspension in 2001 or 2011. or 1984. 1 game, or 2. something like that. Downie should sit too. But here's the thing! Downie, unlike Raffi Torres as big of a goofball as he is, actually helps out offensively, and contributes to the overall team. He's an idiot, and does stupid things like that often, but he's useful. useful, but deserving of a suspension. It's funny, without Sidney Crosby in the lineup, my like-affair with the penguins drops considerably. I kind of hope Tampa wins.
What's going on in Buffalo? Have they ran out of sack to fuck with the Broad St. Bullies? Kind of looks that way. Didn't help that one of their heavyweights got hurt early on, either. They kept it close, and just couldn't get that last goal. I still think they're gonna get another W in the series, and I hope I get to see more of these two eastern teams beat the snot out of each other.
This Detroit Phoenix game was over in the first 10 minutes. Let's face it. And I'm bored of watching it, too. Shane Doan's craziness after the whistle is boring, and he's probably gonna wind up doing something dumb. I do like Kyle Turris, though. He's making icetime for himself, and I think Winnipeg'll have a star player to cheer for next year.
Detroit's getting goals from their depth players, so is Nashville. Vancouver fans...don't honk your horn too loudly whenever the Hawks go golfing....Lots of work to do. I think we know that, though. I can feel it in the city, that we're not looking past anyone. There's a tonne of good teams still left, and there's a tonne of stories still to be told.
TSN's Top Ten is the "best playoff overtime goals" - watch it. It's electric. Also makes me feel a bit old, because I remembered seeing most of the goals. So my words of wisdom for today is, yes, still feel free to hit on me, I'll likely respond, but more importantly, we're all getting a bit older everyday. I couldn't picture 25 five years ago. I didn't enjoy nearly as much of my life as I could've. So let's do that tomorrow. Enjoy shit that happens, and maybe make something happen too. I'm guilty of not making shit happen, and just preparing for it, but fuck it, let's do something bold tomorrow. Something daring. Do THAT THING you're thinking of doing right now! ya! that one! It'll be fine, and it'll probably work out in your favour...

Seriously. Do it.

Luv you, and luv NHL playoffs,


1 comment:

  1. We were watching that Habs game at the edge of our seats. Just can;t believe they didn't pull off that 3rd goal. They sure worked it hard enough.
