Sunday 24 April 2011

Seventh Hell

Happy Easter Beauticians,

Hope you all stuffed your pretty faces with food today. I know I sure did. So I'm just a tad upset right now (yes I realize the same ended a couple hours ago), so this may be a short little blog here tonight.
First off, I thought Buffalo was really gonna close out the series today, but those pesky Flyers find a way to WIN WITHOUT GOALTENDING (Vancouver: TAKE NOTE), so they're off to seventh heaven with Buffalo. Fuck that's been a good series, eh? Lots of emotion, high scoring except when Ryan Miller decides that that's not going to be the case. Just a real treat of a series, and that kind of surprised me.
Bigtime congrats to Nashville for winning their 1st playoff series in franchise history. I was just thrilled to see Jordin Tootoo be named "McGuire's Monster" tonight!!! If that's not a dream of yours that you'll never fufill, then I feel sorry for you. We all know that the best dreams are the ones that are actually impossible! keep dreaming, losers! I know I do! Set the bar so high you can't touch it, even with the help from God. Yes! DO IT! It's healthy! ohhhhh boy am I not in a good mood tonight. Just all over the place with my mood swings.
Thank God I have a friend that's a devote Christian, and this latest Canucks defeat fell on the day in which he is probably most in-touch with his inner prophet. I received some calming texts from him that can sort of get me by for a few minutes, but after the lustre of his positive attitude wears off, what's left?
For me, it feels a bit like a really good breakup. A man can wear hatred in sticker-form on his forehead for a broad for years, and that's just fine with him. So if the Canuckleheads were to come out tonight, and really suck the game's dick, I'd probably be fine with that. Good riddance, you bunch of fucking choke artists. I never loved you anyways. In fact, I never even liked you, and you suck in bed. and your dad's an asshole. and your sister's hotter than you. I don't like the smell of your perfume. You get the idea...Such was not the case tonight, though. They did everything they could to make this relationship work, and it just didn't. And somehow that hurts even worse, doesn't it? :(.
I thought the boys played their fucking hearts out.  Dominated the shit out of the boards tonight, outskated the Blackhawks, outchanced them, just flat out played a better game. The better team lost tonight, and that happens sometimes. Happened to Chicago in game 3. my blog picture explains, I think there was an Italian pink elephant on the ice tonight that made the difference. Did you all jump out of your seats when you found out Schneider was starting? I know I fucking did. Did you not breathe a sigh of relief? I thought of it as a pinch-hit in baseball when the batter in your lineup has terrible numbers against a particular foe. You just replace him with the next guy. Stats don't lie. So all was well. Ballsy move by Vigneault, and that might've been a job-saving move if they would've won tonight. And ya, Schneider misplayed the pucks behind his net, which cost us 2 goals. But he didn't look anywhere CLOSE to as shakey was Bobby Lu when he got in. I'm not even gonna waste my time shooting down Luongo, because it's not any good to let that shit out into the universe, and more importantly, I don't feel any anger towards him. I feel sorry for the guy. That was painful to watch, like a drunk uncle at a family reunion trying to tell you about how he was young just like you once. Just so hard to watch. He fought every shot, no matter how benign, off like the plague. He's so rattled, I don't think it's good for his overall health to be playing hockey tonight. He just really believes that he can't win a series against chicago. He needs a shrink. Forget that he's an athlete that's paid 10 million dollars this year. Not his fault someone offered him that money, i'd take it too. He's just not equipped to play this game against the blackhawks, unless he gets some psychological help, according to him. ALL of his teammates answered the bell tonight. it's not in their heads judging by the effort tonight. But it's certainly in his. My heart goes out to the poor wealthy guy. He's probably in a world of hurt tonight.
You know what else though? Know what I think MIGHT help if they don't plop a shrink down beside him on the flight home tonight? I think there's something to be said about the power of a team. I think the boys could really build him up, so that if Schneider's hurt still and he has to go in game 7 (heaven forbid, although I think it might be easy to watch because he won't stop anything...), he could play. I think there's alot of be said about positivity, and maybe the boys will lift him up. Isn't that what the games all about anyways? when someone misses an assignment, you pick up the slack? It's possible. Not probable, but possible.
Fucking wild game tonight.
Guess I gotta put Duncan Keith on the All-Manitoba team, now. Just found out that he was born in Winnipeg. Fuck.
Might be adding another Blackhawk Manitoban after game 7 too....hopefully not.
Have the Canucks emptied their tank?
How fucked up is Schneider?
How dope is his mask?
Are all Bruins fans racist? I only ever hear them boo when the lone African-American touches the puck...interesting.

Send positive thoughts my way, as I am seriously sad about tonight. I don't ask often, but please do so. Tough loss.


1 comment:

  1. LOL, that is sooo how it is when its over, I never liked you in the first place, lol
    Happy Place thoughts your Did you feel it? Hope it felt as good for oyu as it did for me.
